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Rainforest Conservation Is Crucial to Protecting the Health of Our World

The Earth’s lungs are at risk of destruction from a number of threats. The Amazon rainforest, the most diverse environment on the planet, has been continually destroyed by human activity. Logging and farming have done irreparable damage to it, and as technology becomes more and more efficient, the damage is increasing. Add to this the irreversible effects that global warming may have on our planet, and the outlook is bleak. However, there are a number of organisations and movements that have made it their mission to keep this crucial part of our ecosystem alive. And they’ve found a number of interesting ways of doing it.

Awareness Is the First Step to Productive Action

Key to the problem is raising awareness of the issues. If public outcry is big enough, and enough pressure is put on the companies from international opinion, it will be much easier to halt the destruction taking place. Social media has proved to be a powerful tool in altering people to what’s going on, and investment in pushing for change is growing. Entrepreneur Max Polyakov has played a part, with his games development company Murka bringing out a collaboration with National Geographic that raises both awareness and funds to help stop the damage. And many other initiatives across a wide variety of media have had similar success in bringing the realities of deforestation home to a broad audience with a help of entrepreneur Max Polyakov (Макс Поляков).

Tourism Provides Income as well as a Means of Educating

Ecotourism has also gone a long way to making people aware of what’s happening. Many parts of the local tourist industry are now focussed on providing visitors with a green, renewable way of seeing this remarkable part of the world. They also go a long way towards educating people on the realities of the situation. As a result, the word is quickly spread, and independent businesses get the revenue they need to stay open. This means that fewer people are forced to eke out a living for the various industrial enterprises that are the key reasons why the rainforest is being destroyed. Another crucial aspect of the problem is consumption in developed countries. Unless we place some kind of embargo on the products that the rainforest is cleared to produce, the motivation will always be there for the companies. By buying ethically, and ensuring you are aware of the chain of production that puts items on shelves, you can ensure that you make no contribution to this wanton destruction.

These are just a few of the ways that rainforest destruction is being halted. Hopefully, we will find more in the future. Until then, ethical decisions and awareness are key to playing a part in rainforest conservation.

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